South Carolina

03/01/2025 – Mid-Carolina Pigskin BBQ Cook-off, Little Mountain, SC

grand champreserve grand champ

Butts TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Harry J’s 16.1333 2.933 1.817 4.800 4.750 1.833
Men At Work BBQ 16.1167 2.883 1.767 4.800 4.800 1.867
Blazin’ Bullets Barbeque 16.0667 2.933 1.817 4.767 4.733 1.817
All Smoked Up 16.0333 2.900 1.817 4.767 4.750 1.800
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 16.0000 2.867 1.750 4.800 4.800 1.783
Monkey Bottom Boys 15.8833 2.833 1.700 4.767 4.767 1.817
Fu Man Que BBQ 15.8333 2.850 1.767 4.633 4.800 1.783
Upstate Smokeshop 15.7333 2.883 1.733 4.717 4.667 1.733
S and M BBQ 15.7167 2.817 1.750 4.650 4.700 1.800
The Hog Mafia 15.5333 2.800 1.767 4.517 4.700 1.750
Daddy Blues BBQ 15.4333 2.717 1.733 4.583 4.683 1.717
Little Mountain Fire – Rescue Squad 15.2167 2.700 1.700 4.600 4.583 1.633
Boar’s Nest BBQ 15.0000 2.600 1.583 4.667 4.533 1.617
Kickin’ Ash BBQ 14.9833 2.500 1.633 4.633 4.600 1.617
Hog Tied BBQ 14.8167 2.450 1.667 4.567 4.533 1.600


Ribs TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Blazin’ Bullets Barbeque 16.1167 2.917 1.867 4.767 4.750 1.817
Monkey Bottom Boys 16.1000 2.867 1.867 4.750 4.800 1.817
All Smoked Up 16.0167 2.867 1.733 4.733 4.867 1.817
Harry J’s 15.9667 2.850 1.783 4.767 4.750 1.817
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 15.9000 2.817 1.700 4.817 4.750 1.817
S and M BBQ 15.8833 2.783 1.883 4.717 4.733 1.767
Upstate Smokeshop 15.8000 2.883 1.817 4.700 4.650 1.750
Fu Man Que BBQ 15.7333 2.733 1.817 4.733 4.717 1.733
Men At Work BBQ 15.6833 2.817 1.733 4.667 4.733 1.733
Boar’s Nest BBQ 15.6017 2.733 1.717 4.683 4.702 1.767
Hog Tied BBQ 15.6000 2.683 1.667 4.783 4.717 1.750
Daddy Blues BBQ 15.5333 2.750 1.717 4.683 4.667 1.717
Little Mountain Fire – 15.4000 2.583 1.783 4.650 4.717 1.667
The Hog Mafia 15.3833 2.650 1.683 4.650 4.650 1.750


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