South Carolina

03/15/2025 – Grillin’ in the Grove, Clemson RV Park, Pendleton, SC


reserve grand champion

Butts TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Monkey Bottom Boys 16.1667 2.900 1.800 4.833 4.783 1.850
Adventures In Smoke 16.1333 2.900 1.833 4.783 4.783 1.833
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 16.1168 2.867 1.833 4.767 4.784 1.867
CBF Que 16.1167 2.900 1.800 4.817 4.767 1.833
S&M BBQ 16.1000 2.833 1.817 4.733 4.833 1.883
Men At Work 16.0583 2.858 1.867 4.717 4.767 1.850
Slinging Meat 15.9667 2.867 1.817 4.750 4.700 1.833
Upstate Smoke Shop 15.7500 2.883 1.833 4.667 4.617 1.750
The Smokey Bottom Boys 15.7000 2.683 1.800 4.683 4.733 1.800
SC SmokeyD’s BBQ 15.6167 2.717 1.800 4.733 4.633 1.733
Rise-N-Swine BBQ 15.5500 2.800 1.767 4.633 4.617 1.733
Batdog BBQ 15.4000 2.683 1.700 4.633 4.617 1.767
Bold Branch BBQ Boys 15.2667 2.650 1.783 4.633 4.550 1.650
The Hog Mafia 15.2167 2.733 1.817 4.417 4.550 1.700
BradyQ BBQ 14.9167 2.450 1.683 4.600 4.567 1.617
Bustin’ Butts 14.8667 2.550 1.667 4.483 4.500 1.667
Team Crowe 14.8000 2.517 1.733 4.483 4.400 1.667
Raynor Shine 14.6083 2.525 1.650 4.500 4.417 1.517
Bar-B-Que Brothers 14.5000 2.550 1.683 4.283 4.467 1.517
Carolina Traveler 14.4167 2.517 1.633 4.367 4.267 1.633
Isom Butt Masters 14.2667 2.500 1.533 4.283 4.400 1.550


Ribs TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Upstate Smoke Shop 16.3333 2.883 1.900 4.833 4.850 1.867
Monkey Bottom Boys 16.2250 2.908 1.867 4.750 4.817 1.883
CBF Que 16.2167 2.883 1.817 4.800 4.833 1.883
Slinging Meat 16.1500 2.867 1.900 4.717 4.767 1.900
S&M BBQ 16.1335 2.833 1.817 4.800 4.834 1.850
SC SmokeyD’s BBQ 16.1333 2.850 1.867 4.767 4.783 1.867
BradyQ BBQ 16.0333 2.850 1.850 4.767 4.733 1.833
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 16.0167 2.850 1.800 4.733 4.783 1.850
The Hog Mafia 15.9500 2.817 1.800 4.767 4.767 1.800
Rise-N-Swine BBQ 15.9000 2.833 1.817 4.717 4.717 1.817
Adventures In Smoke 15.6833 2.833 1.750 4.717 4.650 1.733
Batdog BBQ 15.6500 2.750 1.833 4.633 4.617 1.817
Men At Work 15.6167 2.767 1.833 4.650 4.600 1.767
Carolina Traveler 15.5500 2.683 1.800 4.617 4.733 1.717
The Smokey Bottom Boys 15.5333 2.767 1.733 4.600 4.700 1.733
Bar-B-Que Brothers 15.5000 2.683 1.817 4.567 4.633 1.800


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