South Carolina

Big Brothers Big Sisters, Florence SC April 9, 2016

 Place Team
1 S’Lowcountry Q
2 All Smoked Up
3 Smoke Central
4 Red Cup Q
5 Monkey Bottom BBQ
6 Up in Smoke
7 Tailgater-Hater
8 Pimp My Pig
9 Backwoods Bar-B-Que
10 Smokin Ain’t Easy
11 Gaither Ray’s
12 Steel Smokin Smokerz
13 Bo-Ty’s BBQ
14 Bear to the Bone Texas BBQ
15 Ledyard Bar B Que Co.
16 NUCOR-Steel Smoking
17 BoBo’s Que
18 Bucky’s BBQ
19 On the Spot BBQ
20 Vella’s Pigging Out BBQ
21 Big Belly BBQ
22 Gus Boys BBQ


Team TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
S’Lowcountry Q 16.0220 2.836 1.832 4.750 4.774 1.830
All Smoked Up 16.0100 2.900 1.820 4.700 4.720 1.870
Smoke Central 15.9860 2.848 1.846 4.700 4.778 1.814
Red Cup Q 15.8660 2.798 1.824 4.674 4.760 1.810
Monkey Bottom BBQ 15.8080 2.816 1.812 4.662 4.718 1.800
Up in Smoke 15.7200 2.800 1.840 4.700 4.580 1.800
Tailgater-Hater 15.6400 2.800 1.800 4.680 4.580 1.780
Pimp My Pig 15.6400 2.800 1.800 4.660 4.580 1.800
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 15.5400 2.740 1.800 4.660 4.540 1.800
Smokin Ain’t Easy 15.4200 2.620 1.700 4.670 4.670 1.760
Gaither Ray’s 15.4020 2.614 1.784 4.606 4.662 1.736
Steel Smokin Smokerz 15.3400 2.740 1.680 4.580 4.560 1.780
Bo-Ty’s BBQ 15.3200 2.830 1.770 4.480 4.530 1.710
Bear to the Bone Texas BBQ 15.1800 2.680 1.780 4.540 4.500 1.680
Ledyard Bar B Que Co. 15.1500 2.600 1.760 4.500 4.540 1.750
NUCOR-Steel Smoking 15.1100 2.720 1.640 4.500 4.520 1.730
BoBo’s Que 15.0600 2.660 1.720 4.600 4.380 1.700
Bucky’s BBQ 14.9600 2.660 1.620 4.560 4.440 1.680
On the Spot BBQ 14.8800 2.700 1.740 4.400 4.360 1.680
Vella’s Pigging Out BBQ 14.6200 2.540 1.680 4.400 4.360 1.640
Big Belly BBQ 14.5240 2.520 1.620 4.420 4.404 1.560
Gus Boys BBQ 13.0400 2.160 1.320 4.100 4.080 1.380


Ribs TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Steel Smokin Smokerz 15.9840 2.732 1.810 4.816 4.796 1.830
All Smoked Up 15.9680 2.760 1.800 4.786 4.798 1.824
Up in Smoke 15.9640 2.846 1.824 4.742 4.720 1.832
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 15.9000 2.780 1.780 4.800 4.720 1.820
Monkey Bottom BBQ 15.8300 2.780 1.780 4.720 4.740 1.810
Bucky’s BBQ 15.7980 2.718 1.848 4.726 4.710 1.796
Tailgater-Hater 15.7500 2.780 1.660 4.770 4.720 1.820
S’Lowcountry Q 15.7000 2.760 1.780 4.760 4.600 1.800
Pimp My Pig 15.6700 2.830 1.850 4.670 4.560 1.760
Smoke Central 15.6400 2.800 1.840 4.760 4.480 1.760
BoBo’s Que 15.6000 2.720 1.720 4.660 4.720 1.780
NUCOR-Steel Smoking 15.3800 2.780 1.760 4.620 4.580 1.640
Red Cup Q 15.3400 2.800 1.700 4.620 4.500 1.720
Ledyard Bar B Que Co. 15.3100 2.820 1.750 4.580 4.460 1.700
Vella’s Pigging Out BBQ 15.1800 2.700 1.740 4.620 4.420 1.700
Bo-Ty’s BBQ 15.0300 2.770 1.760 4.480 4.400 1.620
Big Belly BBQ 14.8000 2.660 1.620 4.540 4.360 1.620
Gus Boys BBQ 14.1800 2.360 1.500 4.560 4.240 1.520


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