South Carolina

Picking and Pigging at the Park – Irmo, SC May 07, 2016

 Team – Butts TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Smoke Central 15.4700 2.850 1.870 4.450 4.510 1.790
Smokin Stacks 15.4500 2.733 1.733 4.550 4.650 1.783
Monkey Bottom 15.4200 2.760 1.820 4.480 4.560 1.800
Ledyard BarBQue Company 15.2800 2.790 1.800 4.440 4.420 1.830
S’Lowcountry Q 15.1200 2.840 1.820 4.320 4.410 1.730
Ultimate Tailgaters 15.0802 2.680 1.640 4.500 4.540 1.720
Kirby Q LLC 15.0800 2.740 1.780 4.380 4.460 1.720
Red Cup Q 15.0600 2.640 1.680 4.460 4.500 1.780
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 14.9800 2.640 1.720 4.440 4.480 1.700
Tailgater Hater 14.9400 2.720 1.700 4.420 4.400 1.700
Blazin’ Bullets Barbeque 14.8700 2.780 1.710 4.360 4.330 1.690
Harry J’s 14.7167 2.600 1.550 4.483 4.433 1.650
Blowin Smoke 14.6583 2.533 1.650 4.567 4.317 1.592
Bird Dog Competitive Cooking 14.5167 2.500 1.517 4.450 4.417 1.633
Que It Up 14.4900 2.580 1.740 4.290 4.270 1.610
All Smoked Up 14.4000 2.680 1.620 4.180 4.300 1.620
Flying High Swine 14.3200 2.340 1.560 4.400 4.360 1.660
Tri-Star Tailgating 14.2667 2.417 1.483 4.350 4.417 1.600
Punishing Que BBQ Smoke Team 14.0800 2.580 1.580 4.140 4.240 1.540
Hugh’s-Que 13.6600 2.200 1.460 4.220 4.260 1.520



Team – Ribs TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Tailgater Hater 15.7800 2.880 1.860 4.600 4.630 1.810
S’Lowcountry Q 15.6200 2.820 1.840 4.570 4.600 1.790
Smoke Central 15.3667 2.750 1.717 4.617 4.583 1.700
Ultimate Tailgaters 15.3600 2.680 1.700 4.580 4.620 1.780
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 15.3000 2.700 1.725 4.525 4.575 1.775
Blowin Smoke 15.2000 2.720 1.720 4.500 4.520 1.740
Monkey Bottom 15.0167 2.683 1.617 4.467 4.600 1.650
Red Cup Q 14.7333 2.583 1.650 4.467 4.417 1.617
Ledyard BarBQue Company 14.6500 2.550 1.525 4.500 4.450 1.625
Hugh’s-Que 14.3900 2.640 1.660 4.240 4.260 1.590
Kirby Q LLC 14.3250 2.550 1.575 4.350 4.300 1.550
Harry J’s 13.4400 2.360 1.500 3.940 4.120 1.520
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