South Carolina

Speed & Feed BBQ Darlington, SC November 8, 2014

Rank  Butts Total
1 Elite BBQ Smokers 15.9333
2 Buckwheats BBQ 15.8083
3 Smokin’ Stacks 15.7250
4 S’Lowcountry Q 15.7000
5 Monkey Bottom 15.5867
6 Doko Smoke 15.5367
7 Lang BBQ 15.5167
8 Pimp My Pig 15.5000
9 All Smoked Up 15.4683
10 Up In Smoke 15.4667
11 Flaming Pig 15.4583
12 Bucky’s Bar-B-Q 15.4500
13 Big Ol’ Butts 15.3983
14 Big Butts BBQ Gang 15.3683
15 Three Cuz’ins and a Grill 15.3500
16 Flyin Pig BBQ 15.3167
17 New River Barbecue 15.2383
18 Backwoods Bar-B-Que 15.2183
19 No Pig Left Behind 15.2133
20 Bust Your Butt BBQ 15.1833
21 All Butt Shot 15.0833
22 EIEIO BBQ 15.0617
23 Tailgater-Hater 15.0200
24 Peanut Butta Jelly Thyme 15.0083
25 ARRGH State BBQ 14.8750
26 Outlaw Bar-B-Q 14.8467
27 J & J Grilling Team 14.6633
28 Two Cooking and Two Looking 14.5250
29 Carolina Squires 14.4583
30 Sweet & Sassy BBQ 14.4317
31 Smokin’ Esso B’s 14.4300
32 Just In Q 14.3517
33 Bear To the Bone BBQ 14.3083
34 Gardner Boys BBQ 14.2783
35 Swee Janes 14.2250
36 Bold Branch Bar-B-Q Boys 14.1833
37 Sully and Son Southern BBQ 14.1033
38 Wee Hour Squealers 14.0933
39 Team Unity BBQ 13.5417


 Butts Appearance Aroma Texture / Tenderness Taste Overall Impression
Elite BBQ Smokers 2.8500 1.8000 4.7500 4.7000 1.8333
Buckwheats BBQ 2.8367 1.8000 4.6483 4.6867 1.8367
Smokin’ Stacks 2.7417 1.8250 4.5917 4.7750 1.7917
S’Lowcountry Q 2.8000 1.8000 4.6333 4.6333 1.8333
Monkey Bottom 2.8333 1.7667 4.5833 4.6333 1.7700
Doko Smoke 2.8667 1.8000 4.4667 4.6167 1.7867
Lang BBQ 2.8000 1.7167 4.6583 4.6167 1.7250
Pimp My Pig 2.8000 1.7917 4.5833 4.5500 1.7750
All Smoked Up 2.6933 1.7833 4.6117 4.6083 1.7717
Up In Smoke 2.6833 1.7833 4.6333 4.5500 1.8167
Flaming Pig 2.6533 1.7783 4.5750 4.6583 1.7933
Bucky’s Bar-B-Q 2.7333 1.8000 4.5667 4.6000 1.7500
Big Ol’ Butts 2.6083 1.7433 4.5533 4.7233 1.7700
Big Butts BBQ Gang 2.7917 1.8067 4.5250 4.5167 1.7283
Three Cuz’ins and a Grill 2.7333 1.8167 4.5167 4.5250 1.7583
Flyin Pig BBQ 2.7083 1.8000 4.4667 4.5583 1.7833
New River Barbecue 2.7383 1.7450 4.5283 4.4633 1.7633
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 2.8000 1.8000 4.3667 4.5167 1.7350
No Pig Left Behind 2.7283 1.7650 4.5167 4.4833 1.7200
Bust Your Butt BBQ 2.6467 1.7033 4.4950 4.5883 1.7500
All Butt Shot 2.7583 1.7583 4.5000 4.3917 1.6750
EIEIO BBQ 2.5733 1.7667 4.4833 4.5700 1.6683
Tailgater-Hater 2.7833 1.6833 4.4500 4.4000 1.7033
Peanut Butta Jelly Thyme 2.5667 1.6833 4.4833 4.5500 1.7250
ARRGH State BBQ 2.5917 1.6667 4.3667 4.5583 1.6917
Outlaw Bar-B-Q 2.6567 1.6783 4.3617 4.4250 1.7250
J & J Grilling Team 2.4083 1.6000 4.4800 4.5317 1.6433
Two Cooking and Two Looking 2.4650 1.6417 4.4217 4.3750 1.6217
Carolina Squires 2.4500 1.6000 4.4417 4.2917 1.6750
Sweet & Sassy BBQ 2.5667 1.6500 4.3000 4.3000 1.6150
Smokin’ Esso B’s 2.5633 1.6583 4.3583 4.2333 1.6167
Just In Q 2.4533 1.6483 4.3500 4.2833 1.6167
Bear To the Bone BBQ 2.5083 1.6750 4.3083 4.2500 1.5667
Gardner Boys BBQ 2.4917 1.6317 4.2950 4.2583 1.6017
Swee Janes 2.4500 1.6167 4.2167 4.3667 1.5750
Bold Branch Bar-B-Q Boys 2.5667 1.7167 4.2167 4.2000 1.4833
Sully and Son Southern BBQ 2.4833 1.5950 4.1883 4.2450 1.5917
Wee Hour Squealers 2.2667 1.6000 4.3750 4.2750 1.5767
Team Unity BBQ 2.3000 1.6333 4.1167 4.0667 1.4250
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