South Carolina

Battle of Camden, Camden, SC – November 9, 2024

Butts TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Upstate Smokeshop 16.2500 2.917 1.833 4.800 4.833 1.867
Monkey Bottom Boys 16.1000 2.900 1.800 4.833 4.733 1.833
Sadie Beth Barbeque Company 16.0833 2.967 1.867 4.733 4.717 1.800
Harry J’s 16.0600 2.900 1.767 4.833 4.683 1.877
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 16.0400 2.933 1.783 4.800 4.650 1.873
Smoke Central BBQ 16.0000 2.867 1.800 4.783 4.733 1.817
Tail-Gater Hater 15.9517 2.800 1.800 4.785 4.767 1.800
S and M BBQ 15.9500 2.867 1.767 4.767 4.767 1.783
Smoke by Day  Fire by Night 15.9000 2.767 1.833 4.750 4.783 1.767
Blazin’ Bullets Barbeque 15.8500 2.933 1.733 4.733 4.700 1.750
S & G BBQ Competition Team 15.8167 2.817 1.783 4.700 4.683 1.833
The Pig Rig 15.6667 2.767 1.767 4.700 4.683 1.750
Slinging Meat 15.5000 2.833 1.783 4.583 4.617 1.683
Men at Work BBQ 15.4833 2.783 1.750 4.567 4.667 1.717
Porkin and Forkin 15.4667 2.817 1.733 4.667 4.550 1.700
The War Mouth 15.0833 2.683 1.633 4.500 4.550 1.717
Blue Lodge BBQ 14.8167 2.517 1.617 4.517 4.483 1.683
Squeal Estate 14.8000 2.533 1.750 4.417 4.483 1.617
Downtuned BBQ 14.4333 2.417 1.617 4.367 4.400 1.633
Sumter Utilities 14.1567 2.417 1.483 4.433 4.283 1.540
Sleepy Shanes 14.1467 2.367 1.483 4.400 4.333 1.563


Ribs TOTAL appearance aroma tenderness taste overall
Sadie Beth Barbeque Company 16.2917 2.883 1.850 4.833 4.850 1.875
Tail-Gater Hater 16.1417 2.933 1.833 4.767 4.783 1.825
Slinging Meat 16.0500 2.833 1.833 4.750 4.800 1.833
Monkey Bottom Boys 16.0183 2.817 1.833 4.767 4.785 1.817
Smoke Central BBQ 16.0167 2.817 1.850 4.750 4.767 1.833
Backwoods Bar-B-Que 15.9833 2.883 1.817 4.800 4.717 1.767
Harry J’s 15.9350 2.833 1.833 4.700 4.752 1.817
Upstate Smokeshop 15.9333 2.850 1.867 4.750 4.683 1.783
Men at Work BBQ 15.9000 2.883 1.783 4.733 4.717 1.783
S & G BBQ Competition Team 15.8667 2.700 1.800 4.767 4.783 1.817
S and M BBQ 15.8250 2.883 1.783 4.700 4.683 1.775
Blazin’ Bullets Barbeque 15.7750 2.850 1.817 4.733 4.600 1.775
Smoke by Day  Fire by Night 15.7067 2.800 1.733 4.683 4.700 1.790
The Pig Rig 15.7000 2.800 1.783 4.583 4.733 1.800
Porkin and Forkin 15.3783 2.683 1.717 4.600 4.617 1.762


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