Rank Team Name  – Butts Total
1 All Smoked UP 15.8750
2 Pimp My Pig 15.8250
3 Big GQ 15.5125
4 Can’t Quit  Smoking 15.2125
5 North South  Smokers 15.1250
6 JT’S BBQ 15.1000
7 The Pit Que 14.9250
8 Up In Smoke 14.8750
9 Vulcraft-SC 14.8250
10 Kookin’ Kiwanans 14.6750
11 Palmetto  Smokehouse 14.3000
12 Wholly Smokin  BBQ 14.0500
13 Smokin Sea Eagle 14.0000
14 Carolina Hospital 13.9000
15 R&R BBQ 13.8000
16 Team Grill-Zilla 13.7750
17 Arbor One 13.5750
18 Pork-N-Beans 13.4500
19 Monkey Bottom  BBQ 13.4250
Team  Name – Butts Appearance Aroma Texture /  Tenderness Taste Overall  Impression
All  Smoked UP 2.8500 1.8250 4.7000 4.6750 1.8250
Pimp My  Pig 2.8125 1.7375 4.7375 4.7125 1.8250
Big GQ 2.7625 1.7625 4.7125 4.5500 1.7250
Can’t  Quit Smoking 2.6625 1.7375 4.6625 4.5000 1.6500
North  South Smokers 2.7250 1.7500 4.7000 4.2500 1.7000
JT’S BBQ 2.7000 1.6750 4.4750 4.4500 1.8000
The Pit  Que 2.7000 1.6750 4.4500 4.3750 1.7250
Up In  Smoke 2.7250 1.6000 4.4750 4.5000 1.5750
Vulcraft-SC 2.6000 1.6250 4.5500 4.5000 1.5500
Kookin’  Kiwanans 2.6375 1.5500 4.5500 4.3750 1.5625
Palmetto  Smokehouse 2.6000 1.6000 4.2750 4.1500 1.6750
Wholly  Smokin BBQ 2.3250 1.4750 4.5000 4.3000 1.4500
Smokin  Sea Eagle 2.6750 1.5000 4.1750 4.2500 1.4000
Carolina Hospital 2.2500 1.5000 4.4500 4.2250 1.4750
R&R  BBQ 2.3500 1.5500 4.3250 4.1500 1.4250
Team Grill-Zilla 2.4500 1.7750 4.1750 3.7750 1.6000
Arbor  One 2.2500 1.5000 4.1250 4.1500 1.5500
Pork-N-Beans 2.3250 1.6000 4.2000 3.7750 1.5500
Monkey  Bottom BBQ 2.4750 1.5750 3.9500 3.9500 1.4750