South Carolina

EFOC Memorial Weekend BBQ Cookoff Seneca, SC May 26, 2012

Rank Team Name  – Butts Total
1 Smokin’ Stacks 15.8167
2 Bite Me BBQ 15.5517
3 Can’t Quit  Smokin’ 15.4983
4 Up In Smoke 15.3767
5 Swig-N-Pig 15.2833
6 No Pig Left  Behind 15.1283
7 Off the Grill BBQ 15.0367
8 Back Alley BBQ 15.0150
9 Fatboy’s  Barbeque 14.9850
10 Boar’s Nest BBQ 14.9817
11 Outlaw Bar-B-Q 14.9750
12 Zack’s BBQ 14.9500
13 Hawg Kookin 14.8700
14 Pimp My Pig 14.7833
15 Jackleg BBQ 14.7167
16 Baby’s BBQ 14.7000
17 Hogs and Hops  Barbeque 14.6917
18 Bubba and Son 14.6517
19 Yum Yum Eat ’em  Up BBQ 14.5100
20 Kinard Kookers 14.4833
21 Phat Guys BBQ 14.4583
22 Keowee Cookers 14.2833
23 Redmond Boys 14.1783
Team  Name – Butts Appearance Aroma Texture /  Tenderness Taste Overall  Impression
Smokin’  Stacks 2.8333 1.7500 4.6833 4.6833 1.8667
Bite Me  BBQ 2.7083 1.7750 4.6000 4.6083 1.8600
Can’t Quit  Smokin’ 2.7750 1.7650 4.5833 4.5583 1.8167
Up In  Smoke 2.7667 1.7217 4.5833 4.5217 1.7833
Swig-N-Pig 2.7000 1.6583 4.5667 4.5583 1.8000
No Pig  Left Behind 2.7583 1.7283 4.4333 4.4333 1.7750
Off the Grill BBQ 2.7750 1.7500 4.3417 4.4750 1.6950
Back Alley  BBQ 2.6583 1.7583 4.3667 4.5000 1.7317
Fatboy’s  Barbeque 2.6000 1.6633 4.5167 4.4667 1.7383
Boar’s  Nest BBQ 2.7000 1.6583 4.4583 4.4500 1.7150
Outlaw Bar-B-Q 2.7167 1.7167 4.4000 4.4167 1.7250
Zack’s BBQ 2.6333 1.7000 4.4833 4.4500 1.6833
Hawg  Kookin 2.5333 1.6717 4.4383 4.5000 1.7267
Pimp My  Pig 2.6917 1.6417 4.3583 4.3833 1.7083
Jackleg  BBQ 2.6417 1.6417 4.4000 4.3583 1.6750
Baby’s BBQ 2.6167 1.7750 4.3500 4.2833 1.6750
Hogs and  Hops Barbeque 2.6000 1.7750 4.2333 4.3667 1.7167
Bubba and  Son 2.5750 1.7383 4.3050 4.3833 1.6500
Yum Yum  Eat ’em Up BBQ 2.4917 1.6167 4.3717 4.4000 1.6300
Kinard  Kookers 2.5500 1.6833 4.3000 4.2833 1.6667
Phat Guys  BBQ 2.6750 1.7500 4.2500 4.1833 1.6000
Keowee  Cookers 2.5000 1.6000 4.2500 4.3000 1.6333
Redmond  Boys 2.4417 1.6967 4.2333 4.1583 1.6483
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