Rank Team Name –  Butts Total
1 On the Spot BBQ 15.5900
2 Ledyard Bar B Que  Co 15.3783
3 No Pig Left Behind 15.3333
4 Slap Yo Moma 15.1200
5 Pork-O-Butts 14.9417
6 Jesse’s BBQ 14.9200
7 The Grilling  Tigers 14.7333
8 Big Red Barbeque 14.6000
9 Just Havin Fun 14.4833
10 Clary’s Carolina  Cookers 14.3033
11 Cook Shack Boys 14.0500
12 Cousin’s BBQ 13.7000
13 Swine One-One 13.5000
14 Cedar Hurst Gang DQ
Team  Name – Butts Appearance Aroma Texture /  Tenderness Taste Overall  Impression
On the  Spot BBQ 2.7833 1.8000 4.6417 4.5583 1.8067
Ledyard  Bar B Que Co 2.7500 1.7333 4.5667 4.5500 1.7783
No Pig  Left Behind 2.7000 1.7417 4.5833 4.5333 1.7750
Slap Yo  Moma 2.6583 1.7750 4.5417 4.4250 1.7200
Pork-O-Butts 2.6500 1.6750 4.4333 4.4500 1.7333
Jesse’s  BBQ 2.4833 1.7000 4.4167 4.5750 1.7450
The  Grilling Tigers 2.6500 1.7667 4.3500 4.3333 1.6333
Big Red  Barbeque 2.5667 1.7000 4.3333 4.4000 1.6000
Just  Havin Fun 2.3917 1.6333 4.3167 4.4750 1.6667
Clary’s  Carolina Cookers 2.4500 1.6167 4.2667 4.3583 1.6117
Cook  Shack Boys 2.3500 1.6167 4.3000 4.3167 1.4667
Cousin’s  BBQ 2.4000 1.5167 4.2000 4.1333 1.4500
Swine  One-One 2.3000 1.5000 4.1583 4.1250 1.4167
Cedar  Hurst Gang 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000