South Carolina

Mauldin BBQ, Mauldin SC September 22, 2018

Team – Butts  TOTAL  appearance  aroma  tenderness  taste  overall
Dozed & B’Qued        15.8800          2.7700          1.8800          4.7200          4.7000          1.8100
The Saucy Pig        15.8333          2.8333          1.8167          4.7167          4.6833          1.7833
Mac’s Lunch Competition BBQ Team        15.7133          2.8000          1.8667          4.6500          4.6000          1.7967
Bold Branch Bar-B-Que Boys        15.6500          2.8167          1.8000          4.6333          4.5833          1.8167
Palmetto Smoke BBQ        15.6333          2.7500          1.8167          4.6667          4.6333          1.7667
Piggy Fins BBQ        15.5500          2.8167          1.7667          4.6167          4.6000          1.7500
Off The Grill        15.5283          2.8333          1.7667          4.5833          4.5583          1.7867
Gettin Piggy With It        15.5000          2.6833          1.7000          4.6500          4.6500          1.8167
High on the Hog BBQ        15.4900          2.7400          1.8200          4.7000          4.4800          1.7500
Chica-Piga-Moo        15.4300          2.7800          1.8100          4.5200          4.5400          1.7800
After Midnight Smokin’ BBQ        15.4200          2.7500          1.8500          4.6200          4.4800          1.7200
Carolina Squires        15.4167          2.7500          1.7500          4.6000          4.5833          1.7333
Bobby’s All Purpose Seasoning & BBQ        15.3833          2.6667          1.7500          4.5833          4.6333          1.7500
Commando BBQ        15.3167          2.6333          1.7000          4.6333          4.5667          1.7833
Up All Knight BBQ        15.2017          2.6667          1.7000          4.5000          4.5750          1.7600
Adventures In Smoke        15.1667          2.6833          1.7833          4.5167          4.4667          1.7167
Southern Brew’d BBQ        15.1650          2.6667          1.8167          4.5667          4.4167          1.6983
Blind Swine BBQ        15.1400          2.6900          1.7600          4.5400          4.4800          1.6700
Butt Jokes        14.9333          2.6167          1.7000          4.5333          4.4500          1.6333
John’s All Smoked Up        14.9000          2.6167          1.6833          4.4333          4.4833          1.6833
Bucky’s BBQ        14.8667          2.7667          1.7167          4.3333          4.4167          1.6333
Rise and Swine        14.7200          2.6300          1.8000          4.3800          4.2800          1.6300
Palmetto Q Crew        14.7150          2.7750          1.7167          4.2833          4.3000          1.6400
Southern Folks BBQ        13.4000          2.2333          1.5500          4.2000          4.1333          1.2833


Team – Ribs  TOTAL  appearance  aroma  tenderness  taste  overall
Palmetto Q Crew        16.0733          2.8333          1.8167          4.8000          4.7667          1.8567
Dozed & B’Qued        15.9067          2.7667          1.8667          4.7833          4.6667          1.8233
Chica-Piga-Moo        15.9000          2.8000          1.8167          4.7833          4.7333          1.7667
Bold Branch Bar-B-Que Boys        15.9000          2.7667          1.8167          4.7833          4.7000          1.8333
Mac’s Lunch Competition BBQ Team        15.8000          2.7500          1.7833          4.7500          4.7500          1.7667
Bobby’s All Purpose Seasoning & BBQ        15.7667          2.8000          1.8167          4.7000          4.7167          1.7333
Palmetto Smoke BBQ        15.7333          2.7833          1.7500          4.6000          4.7667          1.8333
Commando BBQ        15.5967          2.8000          1.7500          4.6167          4.6333          1.7967
John’s All Smoked Up        15.5800          2.6600          1.7600          4.6700          4.6700          1.8200
Adventures In Smoke        15.5667          2.7833          1.8000          4.6500          4.6000          1.7333
High on the Hog BBQ        15.5000          2.7500          1.7833          4.5500          4.6500          1.7667
Rise and Swine        15.4833          2.7333          1.7333          4.6500          4.5833          1.7833
Blind Swine BBQ        15.4583          2.7000          1.7833          4.6333          4.6000          1.7417
Piggy Fins BBQ        15.4500          2.7600          1.7200          4.5400          4.6600          1.7700
Bucky’s BBQ        15.4400          2.7400          1.8000          4.6200          4.5000          1.7800
Up All Knight BBQ        15.2600          2.7400          1.8400          4.4600          4.4700          1.7500
Carolina Squires        15.1317          2.7333          1.7500          4.5000          4.4500          1.6983
The Saucy Pig        15.0167          2.7500          1.7333          4.3833          4.4833          1.6667
Southern Brew’d BBQ        14.9550          2.5500          1.6833          4.4500          4.5750          1.6967
Gettin Piggy With It        14.9167          2.7667          1.7500          4.4167          4.3667          1.6167
Off The Grill        14.5500          2.5333          1.6667          4.3500          4.4333          1.5667
Butt Jokes        14.4000          2.5400          1.7300          4.3800          4.1600          1.5900
Southern Folks BBQ        13.8167          2.4000          1.5333          4.2333          4.2167          1.4333
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