Rank Team Name (Pros) Total Rank Team Name  (Amat) Total
1 Some-R-Swine 16.1333 1 Gals Can’t Quit  Smokin’ 15.7750
2 All Smoked Up 16.0900 2 Grillz Gone Wild 15.0833
3 In The Army Q 15.9300 3 Steel Smokin’  Smokers 15.0283
4 Cameron Cookers 15.9000 4 Rubbin Butties  “A” 14.9917
5 Hog Wild 15.8900 5 GBQ 14.7917
6 Firetower BBQ 15.8100 6 Blazin ana Grazin  BBQ 14.7833
7 Boar’s Nest BBQ 15.7860 7 Ben Dogs BBQ 14.6817
8 Palmetto  Smokehouse 15.6583 8 Purity Lodge 14.5700
9 Up In Smoke 15.4750 9 Palmetto Grillers 14.5567
10 Southern  Hogspitality 15.4300 10 Tongue Slapping Barbeque 14.5450
11 East Coast Smoke 15.4083 11 Country Boys BBQ 14.5383
12 Smokin Stacks LLC 15.3660 12 Smokey Boyz 14.5317
13 Firehouse Grill 15.3000 13 Red Cup Q 14.5250
14 Man Cave 15.1100 14 Extreme Meat  Smoking 14.4667
15 Backwoods  Barbeque 15.0983 15 Good Ol Boys BBQ 14.4317
16 Blowin’ Smoke 15.0100 16 Daddy Bill’s Boys 14.3550
17 Big Boys BBQ 15.0000 17 Nilla Grillaz 14.3517
18 Pork-O-Butts 14.9250 18 Harry J’s 14.2817
19 Bayou BBQ 14.7480 19 Fat Charlie’s  Butt Busters 14.2750
20 Southern Gals A  Cookin 14.7220 20 Three Lady Pigs 14.0400
21 Carolina Squires 14.7200 21 Southern Flame 14.0300
22 Pimp My Pig 14.7167 22 The Real Squeal 13.9833
23 Sammy’s BBQ 14.7000 23 Southern  Smokehouse & BBQ 13.8833
24 Ledyard Bar B Que  Company 14.6400 24 Ridgeway Rookies 13.8000
25 Salt & Pepper  of Columbia 14.5800 25 Hickory Ridge  Rooterbakers 13.7917
26 Big Butts BBQ  Gang 14.5750 26 The Outhouse  Grilling Team 13.7800
27 Doko Smoke 14.5040 27 Fly 4 Life Cook  Team 13.6100
28 Pork Shank  Redemption 14.4917 28 We B Cookin 13.3167
29 Chuckwagon 14.4500 29 Nuttin’ Butt Meat 13.3000
30 Wateree  Smokehouse 14.2167 30 Rootin Tuten’s  BBQ 13.1500
31 Big Boyz BBQ 14.1520 31 Rubbin Butties  “B” 13.0750
32 Three Cuz’ins and  A Grill 14.1083 32 Lefty Chefs 13.0100
33 Flying High Grill 14.0083 33 Cocky Butts 11.5600
34 BB’s Q 13.9500 34 Devine Grilling 11.4200
35 Vintage Swine 13.8833
36 Back Porch  Cookers 13.7980
37 Back Street Boys 13.6667
38 Heavenly Hog 13.3500
39 A&J BBQ 13.2600
40 Dianne & Choo  Choos BBQ 13.0900
Pork  (Pros) Appearance Aroma Texture / Tenderness Taste Overall Impression
Some-R-Swine 2.8917 1.9000 4.7833 4.6833 1.8750
All  Smoked Up 2.8800 1.8500 4.7200 4.7200 1.9200
In The  Army Q 2.8700 1.8000 4.6700 4.7800 1.8100
Cameron  Cookers 2.8500 1.8400 4.6500 4.7300 1.8300
Hog Wild 2.8700 1.8400 4.7100 4.6600 1.8100
Firetower  BBQ 2.7300 1.8200 4.6900 4.7600 1.8100
Boar’s  Nest BBQ 2.8200 1.8000 4.6660 4.6800 1.8200
Palmetto  Smokehouse 2.8417 1.7583 4.5833 4.6500 1.8250
Up In  Smoke 2.8917 1.8667 4.5167 4.4167 1.7833
Southern  Hogspitality 2.6000 1.8000 4.6700 4.5900 1.7700
East  Coast Smoke 2.7250 1.7167 4.6333 4.5333 1.8000
Smokin  Stacks LLC 2.7300 1.6900 4.5400 4.6100 1.7960
Firehouse  Grill 2.6200 1.6800 4.6000 4.6000 1.8000
Man Cave 2.6600 1.7200 4.6100 4.3900 1.7300
Backwoods  Bar-B-Que 2.7867 1.6700 4.3333 4.5667 1.7417
Blowin’  Smoke 2.8900 1.8400 4.7200 3.9700 1.5900
Big Boys  BBQ 2.6800 1.7600 4.4600 4.4000 1.7000
Pork-O-Butts 2.7333 1.7833 4.2667 4.4500 1.6917
Bayou BBQ 2.6300 1.6700 4.3800 4.4000 1.6680
Southern  Gals A Cookin 2.6700 1.7000 4.2800 4.4020 1.6700
Carolina  Squires 2.6400 1.7600 4.2400 4.3200 1.7600
Pimp My  Pig 2.7167 1.6417 4.2167 4.4250 1.7167
Sammy’s  BBQ 2.6917 1.7667 4.3167 4.2500 1.6750
Ledyard  Bar B Que Company 2.7600 1.7800 4.2000 4.2400 1.6600
Salt  & Pepper of Columbia 2.5400 1.6800 4.3000 4.3400 1.7200
Big Butts  BBQ Gang 2.5417 1.6500 4.3500 4.3667 1.6667
Doko  Smoke 2.5400 1.6200 4.3200 4.3800 1.6440
Pork  Shank Redemption 2.5333 1.7167 4.3083 4.2333 1.7000
Chuckwagon 2.6583 1.6250 4.1583 4.4167 1.5917
Wateree  Smokehouse 2.6667 1.7333 4.2333 3.9500 1.6333
Big Boyz  BBQ 2.4500 1.5600 4.2800 4.2800 1.5820
Three  Cuz’ins and A Grill 2.6417 1.6250 4.1500 4.1167 1.5750
Flying  High Grill 2.4667 1.6500 4.1833 4.1000 1.6083
BB’s Q 2.4250 1.6083 4.1000 4.3333 1.4833
Vintage  Swine 2.4667 1.5833 4.1083 4.1667 1.5583
Back  Porch Cookers 2.3400 1.5000 4.2200 4.2000 1.5380
Back  Street Boys 2.4000 1.6167 4.1333 3.9667 1.5500
Heavenly Hog 2.1400 1.4800 4.0600 4.1800 1.4900
A&J  BBQ 2.1600 1.4800 4.0400 4.1400 1.4400
Dianne  & Choo Choos BBQ 2.2600 1.4400 4.0000 3.9400 1.4500
Pork (Amat) Appearance Aroma Texture / Tenderness Taste Overall Impression
Gals  Can’t Quit Smokin’ 2.7500 1.8750 4.5750 4.7250 1.8500
Grillz  Gone Wild 2.5333 1.7000 4.5167 4.5667 1.7667
Steel  Smokin’ Smokers 2.5817 1.6217 4.5667 4.6083 1.6500
Rubbin  Butties “A” 2.5317 1.6967 4.4467 4.5683 1.7483
GBQ 2.5467 1.5950 4.3800 4.5550 1.7150
Blazin  ana Grazin BBQ 2.6500 1.6667 4.4667 4.3833 1.6167
Ben Dogs  BBQ 2.4017 1.5650 4.5167 4.5000 1.6983
Purity  Lodge 2.4667 1.5750 4.4700 4.4667 1.5917
Palmetto  Grillers 2.5583 1.5500 4.4367 4.4200 1.5917
Tongue  Slapping Barbeque 2.5750 1.5583 4.4533 4.4033 1.5550
Country  Boys BBQ 2.5033 1.5650 4.4033 4.3983 1.6683
Smokey  Boyz 2.5317 1.6383 4.4533 4.3533 1.5550
Red Cup Q 2.5000 1.6500 4.3500 4.3500 1.6750
Extreme  Meat Smoking 2.4500 1.6833 4.3167 4.4000 1.6167
Good Ol  Boys BBQ 2.5650 1.5383 4.3867 4.3700 1.5717
Daddy  Bill’s Boys 2.3733 1.5233 4.3833 4.4383 1.6367
Nilla  Grillaz 2.3250 1.5517 4.4300 4.3983 1.6467
Harry J’s 2.4483 1.4883 4.4033 4.4033 1.5383
Fat  Charlie’s Butt Busters 2.5500 1.7000 4.1750 4.2250 1.6250
Three  Lady Pigs 2.5600 1.5800 4.0700 4.2100 1.6200
Southern  Flame 2.5100 1.5700 4.1800 4.1200 1.6500
The Real  Squeal 2.3667 1.6333 4.2500 4.2000 1.5333
Southern  Smokehouse & BBQ 2.2733 1.4833 4.2767 4.3167 1.5333
Ridgeway  Rookies 2.3000 1.6000 4.2000 4.1250 1.5750
Hickory  Ridge Rooterbakers 2.2833 1.5000 4.2500 4.2333 1.5250
The  Outhouse Grilling Team 2.2200 1.5000 4.2200 4.1900 1.6500
Fly 4  Life Cook Team 2.1500 1.6400 4.1100 4.0600 1.6500
We B  Cookin 2.3000 1.4500 4.0833 4.0667 1.4167
Nuttin’  Butt Meat 2.3750 1.5500 4.1250 3.8000 1.4500
Rootin  Tuten’s BBQ 2.3000 1.5000 4.1250 3.8250 1.4000
Rubbin  Butties “B” 2.3750 1.6750 3.8500 3.8000 1.3750
Lefty  Chefs 1.9900 1.4200 4.0800 4.0200 1.5000
Cocky  Butts 1.8300 1.3500 3.5400 3.5200 1.3200
Devine  Grilling 1.9900 1.5300 3.2600 3.3200 1.3200